From CUNY Academic Commons
Meeting Notes from Friday, 2015-03-06
A small group of us met at John Jay today to relaunch CCRC. I invite those who were there to contribute your informal thoughts about the meeting to this wiki page. What did you learn? What was useful to you?
We had an open ended discussion about what is going on with the teaching of writing at our campuses. Topics covered included:
1. How are individual campuses using the 4th hour of composition. More on this later as there was a lot said and a lot that needs to be said.
2. Scholarship expectations for new hires are unclear. It was pointed out that the role of your chair is key to successful tenure application. Good stories were told about active chairs at two campuses who have already made their candidates create tenure files and contribute to them regularly.
3. We discussed accelerated learning programs (ALP) and their effectiveness. Not all ALPs are being done the same way at CUNY.
4. We discussed prescribed curriculum vs. open ended curriculum.
5. There is a separation and boundary between composition, ESL and Basic Writing that does not need to be there.
6. Future of CCRC: We decided that one thing that needs to happen with the CCRC is that each campus should have a representative on the CCRC so the workload can be spread out more evenly.
7. Future of CCRC: Attending member today are intereste din the following work:
A) updating the CUNY Composition Fact Book (last done in 2006; see files on the academic commons site)
B) Having a forum for faculty to present scholarly work
C) Develop cross-campus research projects
D) Share teaching materials and program ideas
E) Socialization and informal conversation
Directory_of_Academic_Commons_Group_Wikis Composition E) Socialization and informal conversation