From CUNY Academic Commons

Summary and Spring 2008 Objectives

At Macaulay Honors College, the focus of the iTunesU project will be on student-created rich media. Students in the Macaulay seminars, particularly Seminar One, The Arts in New York City, but also including the other three seminars (The Peopling of New York City, Science and Technology in New York City, and Shaping the Future of New York City) have already been creating podcasts and videos to document and enhance their learning. These rich media artifacts have been posted on blogs and wikis, with the attendant technical difficulties of file formats and server space. The iTunesU pilot should allow students more flexibility and ease of use in posting and sharing these materials.

  • Provide opportunities for sharing and collaboration on rich media projects
  • Promote the engagement and commitment attendant on working for a wider audience
  • Provide opportunity for annotation and reflection on student work and projects
  • Allow students to upload and download projects easily–and use on mobile devices
  • Allow collaboration and cross-fertilization between and among the different seminars on the seven Macaulay campuses–forging cross-campus learning communities

Outline of Rich Media Products

  • By the end of the summer, we will select and upload a sampling of student-created audio and video work from the fall 2007 and spring 2008 semesters (with student permission), to serve as exemplars and pilots for iTunesU work in fall 2008
  • Instructional Technology Fellows will use the initial sampling to demonstrate and train
  • Students in the fall 2008 Macaulay Technology day in the use of iTunesU
  • Seminar students will subscribe to, download, and use in class the rich media products created by their fellow students in other seminars