From CUNY Academic Commons
A Podcast about Podcasting
We want to create a readily available resource on podcasting for faculty who are interested in learning about and possibly making podcasts for their classes. Therefore we will make a podcast on podcasting, discussing and modeling pedagogical and technological best practices in order to enhance teaching and learning. We will make this podcast available through our CCNY faculty Blackboard resource site, “Excellence in Teaching”.
(I have started flushing out some of the details about what we might include.)
- Create a relatively short podcast, maybe 20-30 minutes.
- Demonstrate both audio and video podcasts and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
- Demonstrate the varieties of devices that can be used for making audio and video podcasts.
- Apply Best Practices to our podcast, including:
1. Tailor the podcast to the needs of our specific faculty.
A. CCNY Economics Professor Kevin Foster has been podcasting for years. He will share some of his insights in this Podcast on Podcasts. (ok Kevin?)
B. CUNY wide Podcasts are available at [??????????]
C. One CCNY colleague with a podcast available at the CUNY site is Physics Professor Michio Kaku, who recorded a session conducted one Saturday this winter. Here is a sample of his podcast…..
D. Any CCNY faculty member or administrator who is interested in podcasting should contact someone on our team.
2. Structure the podcast so that it has a logical and coherent organization.
3. Communicate information clearly so it is easily understood in a distance learning context.
4. Elicit active engagement of faculty learners.
A. Ask which are you more interested in doing, an audio or video podcast?
B. Would you like to podcast all of your classes or just some of them?
C. Would you want to podcast an entire class period or just a segment or segments of a class or does it depend on the particular class and situation?
5. Assess faculty learning from and reaction to the podcast.
Rate on a Scale from 1- 4 from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree.
A. Information in the podcast was organized logically. B. Information was presented clearly. C. Now I have a better understanding of podcasting. D. I would recommend this podcast to a colleague who is interested in podcasting.
E. This podcast was easy to access.
6. Build on existing technology used at the College (i.e. Blackboard) and Excellence in Teaching faculty resource.