From CUNY Academic Commons

As he notes in his “Sandbox” blog, Michael Cripps the WordTube plug-in that Matt loaded in order to load videos into these pages.  He wrote the following about this: 

“Dumping a video on the page is one thing. Getting it to look good by positioning and resizing is something else.  I was able to resize and center the WordTube media upload with a little code.  No sweat, though it would be nicer for students if this could be handled through buttons. But here’s a cheesy caption you might put beneath the video to help students who want to do what I did:

   media=# width=xxx height=xxx

and the code I used to center the media is 

   div style=”text=align:center

Click here to see an example of how this looks on a page that is nested inside the “Courses” area of the WordPress “Sandbox” eportfolio. (Scroll to the bottom of the linked page for the link(s).”