From CUNY Academic Commons
- The NEH Office of Digital Humanities provides a range of grant opportunities for individual scholars and project teams. One newsworthy example includes its recent Digging into Data Challenge, for projects that mine large text corpora and datasets. Others include Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants (SUGs) to support innovation in the Digital Humanities (here are some sample projects), the new Digital Humanities Implementation Grants (DHIGs), and Collaborative Research Grants for teams of two or more scholars.
- The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation is also a major supporter of DH initiatives (such as Project Bamboo, MONK, and Zotero).
- The MacArthur Foundation is another DH sponsor through its Digital Media & Learning initiative. This funds, for example, the Digital Media & Learning Competition run by HASTAC.
- Google has announced its “commitment to the Digital Humanities” with grants awarded to projects that use the Google Books corpus for their research.
- The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation recently sponsored a major scholarly publishing initiative, PressForward, and CUNY’s own Commons-in-a-Box (see Sample Projects for more details).
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