From CUNY Academic Commons
The GC Comp/Rhet Community currently runs an informal journal club, meeting about once per week, to keep abreast of current scholarship in the field. Recent and recurring topics of discussion include basic writing and literacy; critical, constructivist, and expressivist pedagogies; discourses of social justice; ethnography, including (but not limited to) classroom studies; new media composition; writing across the curriculum; and the history of composition instruction in the academy. There are also more formal Area Group meetings once per month to discuss long-term planning issues.
In addition, the GC Area Group participates in the meetings and events of the larger CUNY-wide Composition and Rhetoric Community (CCRC), comprised of faculty, students, and staff from the full range of CUNY campuses. Committees in this group are concerned with basic writing, standardized testing, research, social equity, adjunctification, and new media, among other things. Other projects in the works include professional development roundtables with CUNY Comp/Rhet faculty; a visiting speaker series; and writing workshops for feedback on in-progress work, both scholarly and otherwise. We’re also coordinating with the CCRC to launch a conference on issues in writing at urban universities.
GCCRC Weekly Meetings, Fall 2010
GCCRC Weekly Meetings, Spring 2011
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