From CUNY Academic Commons
You might want to print out these directions, so you will have them in front of you as you proceed.
- Click the Tools button (on the bottom of the buttons) and choose Edit Your Homepage.
- In the Introduction box, write an introduction to yourself. (Don’t tell us your name; that’s obvious). Imagine that one of us is meeting you for the first time and has just introduced himself or herself to you and now it’s your turn to do the same.
- In the Personal Information box, tell us everything you’d like us to know about you. (For example, you might want to describe your age, family, cultural background, academic major, current job, personal and professional goals, and anything else you feel comfortable sharing. [Remember that only your classmates and I will ever read this.] Write as much detail as you can about everything you think your readers might want to know.
- Before you load your photo, make sure it’s a jpeg file, that it shows you only, and that it is no larger than 150 pixels in length OR in width. Then “Browse” to where the photo is saved (unless you strongly do not want to load a photo) and click it.
- Enter the name and URL of your favorite sites. If you have a Web page on another server, include that URL. Be sure to include http:// in the URL and provide at least a one-sentence explanation of the site.
- Click Submit and clickOK. If you forget to click Submit, everything you wrote will be lost and you’ll have to start all over again.
- To view a classmate’s HomePage, click the Communication button, click Roster, and click Search. Then click the name of the person whose HomePage you want to view.