From CUNY Academic Commons


Project Objectives:

In order to assist students in the mastery of basic skills in communication and comprehension, podcasting and the use of rich media will be used to support learning in our classrooms as we continue to engage our students.

In one example, we will have “Introduction to World Music” students create vodcasts and produce music content and sounds for a class presentation on world cultural music and instruments.

We have established objectives for the iTunes U Project that will allow us to achieve our goals as summarized in the following:

  • Enhance teaching and learning with the creative uses of digital technology in academic and campus life
  • Incorporate multimedia content into coursework to accommodate student learning styles
  • Make digital archives available to students to encourage non-linear transmission of knowledge
  • Share content among peers, with instructors, and others creating a learning community for professionals to share values and personal practice and exchange knowledge


Fall ‘2008


Music 100

Introduction to World Music

Instructor: Professor Al Johnson

Course Intro:

This course is an introduction to music and to the musical mechanics from a global perspective.


To increase the students awareness, cultural connections to explore and their understanding of global relationships; how these cultures utilize musical elements, and the role that music plays within that cultures.


Students project will be to select a country and accomplish the following:

1) Research the history, culture and society
2) Observe that country’s musical performance
3) Create a two minute podcasts using images, files, pictures and songs demonstrating the culture of the selected country
4) Present in class

Students will videotape their presentation in the media center directly onto a Macbook using “I-Movie”. Media Center Staff will use the basic editing tools of “I-Movie” to polish and publish the presentation.

These lectures will contain material not accessible in the text.

The Mus 100 “Intro to World Music” course is an excellent opportunity for Music Unit at Medgar Evers’ College to implement iTunes U. The course text involves pictures and diagrams of world cultures and their relevant instruments and folk musics. Also, accompanying the text is two CD’s of relevant folk music. The instructor style centers on video and audio content for demonstration of these styles. In this music appreciation course, ethnic songs and video demonstrations are used to support class lectures.

The podcasting of these lectures supported by pictures and songs used on iTunes U. will allow the student to review the numerous choices of folk music from each culture and their relationship to instruments characteristic within each culture.

This enhanced learning and teaching supports our making digital content available to students to encourage non-linear transmission of knowledge. Students will be able to download songs, vodcasted lectures and pictures of relevant material enabling constantly review any section of the lecture accommodating their individual learning styles.