From CUNY Academic Commons



Brian Lamb and James Groom are working on an article for EDUCAUSE about “the state of public institutions, open edtech, and the fate of the free world.” They plan to showcase examples of how open source tools and “networked collaboration” shape various open ed projects. Five such projects at CUNY are highlighted below, and Brian and James will use this page as a resource for their article.

e-Portfolios at Macaulay Honors College

Image:Eportfolio Honors.JPG

At Macaulay Honors College, students are encouraged to create e-Portfolios to collect school work, reflect upon it, and “present it to a range of different audiences.”  EPortfolios@Macaulay provides a way for students to creatively record what they have learned through blogs. Students can think of e-Portfolios as  “museums” which contains artifacts of their thinking and learning, and they can invite others “to take a look.”  Some rooms may be private, others exposed to the public.

Macaulay has created a 30-second “commercial” to help students see the variety of uses to which these eportfolios can be put.

And, hot off the press, a 7-minute introduction to what we’ve found and what we’ve gained from using WordPress for this purpose.  “Open Source and Open Directions



CAC.OPHONY is “a weblog on communication-intensive instruction at the college level and its implications for students about to face the challenges of writing and speaking publicly in professional settings.”  Developed at Baruch by the Fellows of the Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute,

Blogs at Baruch


Blogs at Baruch is “an on-line publishing platform platform” for the Baruch Community developed and maintain jointly by the Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute and the Baruch Computing and Technology Center.

The site is based on WordPress MU.

Here’s a partial list of projects on the system.

Here are some blog posts that detail its history:

Luke Waltzer, The Path to Blogs@Baruch

Blogs@Baruch Tag Archive at

CUNY Academic Commons


Officially launched less than a year ago, the CUNY Academic Commons pulls together professors and graduate students from the 23 separate campus of the City University of New York (CUNY). Members can have individual blogs, join groups, share ideas on group forums, and collaborate on a wiki. There are currently over 1000 members.

The Commons uses Buddy Press as its hub, with WordPress MU and MediaWiki as its spokes.

Looking for Whitman

Started in 2009, Looking for Whitman is a “multi-campus experiment in digital pedagogy” involving four separate schools: New York City College of Technology (CUNY), New York University, University of Mary Washington, and Rutgers University-Camden.

Funding was provided by the NEH Office of Digital Humanities.

The site is set up using WordPress MU.