From CUNY Academic Commons
These articles from around the world describe practical experiences, alternative perspectives, and visions of the future.
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Alexander, Shirley, Institute for Interactive Multimedia, University of Technology, Sydney Australia Teaching and Learning on the World Wide Web from the AusWeb 1995 proceedings.
Arzt, Donna E., Syracuse University College of Law Teaching To The Not Yet HTML-Converted from University of Pittsburgh’s Jurist, The Law Professor’s Network site
Astin, Alexander W., et al, American Association for Higher Education Nine Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning from the AAHE site
Aust, Ron and Brian Newberry of Kansas University and Paul Resta of University of Texas Internet Strategies for Empowering Indigenous Communities in Teaching and Learning from 4Directions
Batson, Trent, Gallaudet University, and Judy Williamson, American University STEPS: A Strategy for Technologically Enlightened Pedagogies from the Epiphany Project
Boettcher, Judith, Florida State University Nuggets about the Shift to Web-Based Teaching and Learning from California State University at Sacramento’s Pedagogy and Technology site
Brown, John S., Allan Collins, and Paul Duguid Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning from Columbia University’s Institute for Learning Technologies
Bourne, John R. and Eric McMaster, Jennifer Rieger, and J. Olin Campbell Paradigms for On-Line Learning: A Case Study in the Design and Implementation of an Asynchronous Learning Networks (ALN) Course from the Web of Asynchronous Learning Networks
Butler, Brian, Carnegie Mellon University Continuous Education: A Model for WWW Based Education from the WWW Course Development and Delivery conference
Cabell V, Benjamin “Quincy”, Joseph J. Rencis, Javed Alam, Hartley T. Grandin Jr. Using Java to Develop Interactive Learning Material for the World-Wide Web from the International Journal of Engineering Education
Campbell, Katy, University of Alberta The Web: Design for Active Learning from Academic Technologies for Learning
Caviedes, J., Philips Research A Technological Perspective of Anytime, Anywhere Education from the Web of Asynchronous Learning Networks
Chickering, Arthur, and Stephen Ehrmann, American Association for Higher Education Implementing The Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education from the AAHE site.
Christie, Bob, Christie Communications Instructional Design Methodology from the Software Alberta Society
Creed, Tom, St. John’s University Extending The Classroom Walls Electronically from Tom’s Principles of Learning and Behavior page
Cross, K. Patricia, University of California, Berkeley What Do We Know About Students’ Learning And How Do We Know It? from the AAHE site.
Cross, K. Patricia, University of California, Berkeley Teaching and Learning in the Next Century from the National Teaching and Learning Forum
Dodge, Bernie, San Diego State University Some Thoughts About WebQuests from SDSU EdWeb site
Ehrmann, Steve, Annenberg/CPB Projects Asking the Right Questions: What Research Tells Us About Technology and Higher Learning from the American Studies Crossroads Project
Elbow, Peter, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Writing for Learning — Not Just for Demonstrating Learning from the National Teaching and Learning Forum
Fitzelle, George T. and William Trochim, Cornell Survey Evaluation of Web Site Instructional Technology: Does it Increase Student Learning? from the Center for Social Research Methods
Gordon, Julie, University of Wollongong Tracks of Learning: Metacognition and Learning Technologies from Australian Journal of Educational Technology
Hanna, Donald E., University of Wisconsin Higher Education in an Era of Digital Competition: Emerging Organizational Models from the Web of Asynchronous Learning Networks
Hara, Noriko and Rob Kling Students’ Frustrations with a Web-based Distance Education Course from First Monday
James, Dennis, Leeds Metropolitan University Design Methodology for a Web-based Learning Environment from the LMU Academic Support Area
Jonassen, David H., Pennsylvania State University Technology as Cognitive Tools: Learners as Designers from the University of Georgia Department of Instructional Technology
McDermott, Lillian C., University of Washington How We Teach And How Students Learn – A Mismatch? from the Electronic Journal of Science Education
McLean, Robert S., University of Toronto Assessing Course Assignments Submitted as Web Pages from The Internet Society 1996 conference
Marchese, Theodore J. The New Conversations About Learning: Insights From Neuroscience and Anthropology, Cognitive Science and Work-Place Studies from the AAHE site
McKenzie, Jamie, From Now On Grazing the Net: Raising a Generaltion of Free Range Students from From Now On
Noble, David, York University Digital Diploma Mills: The Automation of Higher Education from First Monday
Noble, David, York University Digital Diploma Mills II from University of Western Ontario Faculty Associaton
Novak, Thomas and Donna Hoffman, Project 2000, Vanderbilt University Modeling the Structure of the Flow Experience Among Web Users from Vanderbilt’s Project 2000
Oppenheimer, Todd, Atlantic Monthly The Computer Delusion from The Atlantic Monthly
Owston, Ronald D., York University The World Wide Web: A Technology to Enhance Teaching and Learning? from the Educational Researcher
Picciano, Anthony G., City University of New York Developing an Asynchronous Course Model at a Large, Urban University from the Web of Asynchronous Learning Networks
Quinn, Dr. Clark, Charles Sturt University, Australia Teaching and Learning from The Journal
Reeves, Tom, University of Georgia Evaluating What Really Matters in Computer-Based Education from Education.Au
Reinsmith, William A., Professor of English, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science Ten Fundamental Truths About Learning from the National Teaching and Learning Forum
Rings, Sally, Paradise Valley Community College The Role of Computer Technology in Teaching Critical Reading from the Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction
Sherry, Lorraine, University of Colorado at Denver Issues in Distance Learning from the International Journal of Educational Telecommunications
Slater, Timothy, Michelle Larson, & David McKenzie, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana Bringing Physics of the Sun to the Public from the Technological Horizons In Education Journal
Soloway, Elliot, Shari L. Jackson, Jonathan Klein, Chris Quintana, James Reed, Jeff Spitulnik, Steven J. Stratford, Scott Studer Learning Theory in Practice: Case Studies of Learner-Centered Design from Center for Highly Interactive Computing in Education
Tissue, Brian M. Development and Delivery of Chemical Education Hypermedia Using the World-Wide Web from the New Initiatives In Chemical Education symposium, 1996
Trochim, William and Debra Hover, Cornell University Mapping Student Views of the Benefits of a Course Website from the Center for Social Research Methods