From CUNY Academic Commons
EDUCAUSE – EDUCAUSE is “a nonprofit association whose mission is to advance higher education by promoting the intelligent use of information technology.” It provides comprehensive resources educational technology teaching and learning initiatives, applied research and online information services. Its electronic publications include books, monographs, the journals EDUCAUSE Quarterly and EDUCAUSE Review, and newsletters of special interest collaborative communities, (The current membership comprises more than 2,200 colleges, universities, and educational organizations, with more than 17,000 active members.)
“Building from Content to Community: (Re)Thinking the Transition to Online Teaching and Learning” – provides “research-based approaches to translating effective pedagogy in ways that support meaningful online learning.”
Technology as Facilitator of Quality Education
The American Association of Higher Education’s Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education (Chickering & Gamson) – is the best known summary of what decades of educational research indicates are the kinds of teaching and learning activities most likely to improve postsecondary learning outcomes This site includes links to the original document and to documents that describe how faculty have used technology to try to implement one or more of the principles.
Explore Ideas for Technology Use in Instruction – This Web site is a sub-section of Duke University’s Center for Instructional Technology. Not only does it provide ideas but also references online resources as well.
English 104 in Second Life This Ball State University course takes place almost entirely in Second Life.
The Academic Uses of iPods– This report summarizes all the academic iPod projects at Duke University. This is a good place to get some ideas.
Wikipedia’s URLS of Public Domain Sources – This is an excellent compilation of free image and audio (particularly for historical images).
Academic Earth– This site has a huge collection of recorded lectures from “top scholars at Yale, MIT, Berkeley, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford,” all of which can be searched by university, subject, top rated professor, top rated lecture, and top rated courses.
The Visible Knowledge Project– The Visible Knowledge Project (VKP) was a five-year project aimed at improving the quality of college and university teaching through a focus on both student learning and faculty development in technology-enhanced environments. Some of the resources and “posters” (summaries of ongoing research) were contributed by CUNY faculty whom many of you will recognize.
Women in World History – This comprehensive project uses multiple kinds of digital artifacts of communicating information (documents, images, photographs, archival footage, audios of teacher commentary, videos, and links to other sites) to help students learn interactively how to examine, research, and analyze the role of women in world history.
Center for History and New Media – This site has an excellent “Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web.”
Digital History – This online “book” (from the Center for History and New Media) “provides a plainspoken and thorough introduction to the web for historians who wish to produce online work or to build upon and improve the projects they have already started.” Included in it are “live links” to hundreds of sites (e.g., the Marxists’ Organizations Online Archive of scholarly materials, the Smithsonian’s 9/11 project, a multimedia exhibit on “Remembering Nagasaki,” and so forth).
American Passages – American Passages: A Literary Survey is one of Annenberg Media’s sites for professional development and classroom materials. This one is aimed at enhancing the study of American Literature in its cultural context. It includes a powerful search tool and access to more than 3000 items (including visual art, documentary videos, audio files, primary source materials and additional texts), a Slideshow Tool (which is a “point-and-click” method for creating multi-media presentations in response to reading and writing assignments), and Unit Instructor Guides that feature thematically-organized contextual materials.
CUNY WriteSite – Created by CUNY faculty and students, this site offers online instructional support in grammar and style, help with each stage of the writing process, and hints for how to handle various kinds of writing, throughout the disciplines. It also provides interactive practice exercises and discussion of issues connected with writing and links to each college’s writing resources and resources on the Internet to help students develop, revise, and edit their writing assignments.
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