Category: CCRC



From CUNY Academic Commons

Meeting Notes from Friday, 2015-03-06

A small group of us met at John Jay today to relaunch CCRC. I invite those who were there to contribute your informal thoughts about the meeting to this wiki page. What did you learn? What was useful to you?
We had an open ended discussion about what is going on with the teaching of writing at our campuses. Topics covered included:
1. How are individual campuses using the 4th hour of composition. More on this later as there was a lot said and a lot that needs to be said.

2. Scholarship expectations for new hires are unclear. It was pointed out that the role of your chair is key to successful tenure application. Good stories were told about active chairs at two campuses who have already made their candidates create tenure files and contribute to them regularly.

3. We discussed accelerated learning programs (ALP) and their effectiveness. Not all ALPs are being done the same way at CUNY.

4. We discussed prescribed curriculum vs. open ended curriculum.

5. There is a separation and boundary between composition, ESL and Basic Writing that does not need to be there.

6. Future of CCRC: We decided that one thing that needs to happen with the CCRC is that each campus should have a representative on the CCRC so the workload can be spread out more evenly.

7. Future of CCRC: Attending member today are intereste din the following work:

A) updating the CUNY Composition Fact Book (last done in 2006; see files on the academic commons site)

B) Having a forum for faculty to present scholarly work

C) Develop cross-campus research projects

D) Share teaching materials and program ideas

E) Socialization and informal conversation
Directory_of_Academic_Commons_Group_Wikis Composition E) Socialization and informal conversation


Back to CCRC main page

Comp-Rhet CFP Calendar

From CUNY Academic Commons



Our goal is to compile a list of conferences and journals that we might want to submit to, sorted chronologically. For each such journal or conference, we’ll post links to the originating site’s CFP, as well as compile our own notes – e.g. “gives great feedback on the writing” or “really fast turn-around time.”

Please contribute to expand our list or the information we’ve compiled! There’s even a convenient template you can use: just copy the wikicode from that page onto your new one.

Please also remember that matriculated GC students are eligible to receive funding ($300 per year for presenting at conferences; $200 for attending conferences) for their travels/fees.  Click here for more information about how to apply for this funding.

Calendar of Deadlines














Manuscript Submission Deadline: November 15, 2010

Multimodal Composing: Council on Basic Writing

Opportunities and Challenges

in Basic Writing Contexts

BWe Guest Editor:

  Barbara Gleason, City College-CUNY
   Assistant Editors:
  Wynne Ferdinand & Lynn Reid 

Extended Deadline for Submissions: November 15, 2010

Technical Guidelines for Submissions appended.

                                   2011 BWe Special Issue: Call for Submissions 

For the upcoming issue of BWe, we seek essays on multimodal writing in college and pre-college composition and rhetoric classes. As Cynthia Selfe argues in the June 2009 issue of College Composition and Communication, our profession’s continuing tendency to focus primarily on print literacy limits our understanding of rhetoric, discourages students from “identify[ing] their own communication needs” and needlessly limits individuals who have developed expressive identities in a digital age (“The Movement of Air, The Breath of Meaning: Aurality and Multimodal Composing” in CCC, June 2009, 618). By widening the possibilities for composing in their classrooms, instructors may establish more compelling and inclusive learning environments for students of diverse races and cultures, language backgrounds, ages, and communication interests. Teachers also may create classes that can better serve the needs of students learning differences, e.g., in the areas of vision, hearing, or attention.

Along with the potential advantages of incorporating multiple modes of composing into their curricula, instructors may well experience challenges that can obstruct curricular change or dampen enthusiasm of both instructors and students. Integrating new technologies into classes sometimes creates unwanted hurdles. Access to technology and digital literacies can sometimes encumber students. Instructors may experience new technologies as more burdensome than beneficial, especially when faculty are not rewarded for integrating new communication technologies into their curricula. In addition, educational institutions are increasingly demanding that digital texts and multimodal composing options be integrated into their curricula–sometimes before they have acquired the funds or the staff to support these efforts. We already know that we are experiencing a major transformation in communications that is permeating both our daily lives and our institutional realities. Most of us are struggling to develop our own expertise in multimodal composing while simultaneously teaching others to compose in digital environments.

We encourage prospective authors to consider both opportunities and challenges associated with teaching/learning multimodal composing. We hope to receive submissions that focus on one (or more than one) of these roles/ perspectives: writer, student, teacher, tutor, program administrator. We also welcome reviews of books & web sites that enhance instructors’ knowledge of teaching with new technologies OR that facilitate adult learners’ expertise in multimodal composing. Finally, since basic writing instruction is moving into new venues (e.g., as test-preparation courses in for-profit companies or in adult education programs), we welcome submissions that explore uses of multimodal composing in a variety of institutional environments.

Technical Guidelines for Submissions:

1. All submissions must be sent electronically to [email protected]

2. Use MLA style.

3. Acceptable submission formats include: MS Word or other word processing formats, web texts, and texts that include embedded multimedia elements. Images may be in .jpg, .gif, or .png format. Videos must be submitted as files, not as links to external sites.

4. Links to external sites may appear as in-text references or in a works cited list only. Web-based examples used to illustrate key ideas or arguments should be included in the text as embedded images, screen captures, video files, etc. Multimedia content hosted at an external site should be submitted as a file that can be hosted on the BWe server.

5. Submissions should be original work. Submissions containing work published or created by other authors must include their consent and/or follow fair use guidelines.

7. Submissions should be accessible in current versions of different browsers (e.g., Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome).

8. To ensure accessibility, a script or summary must accompany all multimedia submissions and/or video and audio content embedded in a manuscript.

Manuscript Submission Deadline: November 15, 2010

Email inquiries to Barbara Gleason at [email protected].

Submit manuscripts to [email protected]

June 1, 2010: [Extended Deadline]

Computer and video games continue to inundate the entertainment market, and culture along with it. Traditional text games, adventure games, first-person shooters, the immersive worlds of role-playing games (massively multiplayer or otherwise), simulations, “casual” games such as solitaire, and even web advertisements posing as games have formed a landscape rich with opportunities to examine composition-rhetoric’s history, theory, pedagogy, and practice, where scholars can use, examine, and imagine the impact of games and gaming on writing.

Writing and rhetoric permeate games and game communities, and as a recent Pew study found, the civic engagement of gamers is greater than that of non-gamers, with higher instances of players considering moral and ethical issues as well as social responsibility — and in many cases, communicating with others about these issues. Engaged writing is also connected to the way gamers learn the complicated strategies, tactics, and rhetorics within game worlds, while games are increasingly used as tools to teach writing.

Rhetoric/Composition/Play will be an edited collection designed for scholars new to computer/video games as well as those who are more expertly versed. The book will consist of academic essays that assess, theorize, and contextualize computer/video games vis-a-vis composition-rhetoric. We invite 900-1200-word proposals for this proposed collection.

Specifically, we invite proposals that investigate the following (although the lists are not exhaustive):

1) Rhetorical theory and computer/video games (Theory: Rhetorical/Critical/Ideological/Cultural)

• How do various rhetorical theories intersect with game and play theories?

• How does playing games foster rhetorical readings of gaming spaces for the gamer?

• How does playing games necessitate certain rhetorical strategies and practices within game worlds and/or communities?

• What kinds of rhetorical agents and/or agency does playing games construct?

• How do other theoretical and critical approaches intersect with game and play theories?

• How do rhetorical, critical, ideological, and cultural approaches help us better understand the impact of games in literacy practices?

• What roles do games play as objects of production/ consumption?

• What are other assessments and critiques of the intersections between rhetorical and critical theory and computer/video games?

2) Composition and computer/video games (Practice: Writing/Learning/Playing)

• How and to what extent are processes of gaming, playing, and writing similar or divergent?

• How do game design and writing as design overlap?

• What are other assessments and critiques of the connections between writing and computer/video games?

3) Writing pedagogy and computer/video games (Praxis: Pedagogy/Composition/Gaming)

• How can electronic games help us reconceptualize classroom spaces?

• How can gaming worlds become pedagogical spaces?

• How can electronic games inform traditional writing practice?

• How can electronic games inform a critical, cultural pedagogy that facilitates students’ critical reading and rewriting of game spaces?

• What are other examinations of pedagogies that use electronic games to teach rhetorical and/or writing concepts and practices?

• What are some critiques, examinations, historicizations of current pedagogical trajectories of using off-the-shelf games, serious games, games-for-learning, and simulation in the writing classroom?

• What are the pedagogical differences between teaching with a game designed specifically for pedagogical purposes and teaching with a game designed originally for entertainment?

Send 900-1200-word proposals with brief author bio (with university affiliation) via email to Matthew S. S. Johnson (email: matjohn at siue dot edu) AND Richard & Rebekah Colby (email: rshultzc at du dot edu). Due to increased interest, we have decided to extend the deadline for submitting proposals to this edited collection. Deadline for proposals is 1 June 2010. Final manuscript length will be approximately 15-35 pages (standard, double-spaced). Queries welcome.

August 13, 2010: “Learning Technologies”
Here are the submission guidelines

Academic Exchange Quarterly—a respected, peer-reviewed, print journal—invites original, unpublished manuscripts of 2000 to 3000 words for its Winter 2011 issue.

Learning technologies—technologies used to enhance learning, teaching, and assessment—are rapidly gaining popularity in higher education. However, the debate concerning the effectiveness of these technologies over more conventional means of teaching remains ongoing. The focus of this topic is to explore evidence-based research on any area relating to learning technologies, but we are especially interested in the following: pedagogical techniques that rely on learning technologies; the use of learning technologies in assessment of outcomes at any level (individual student to entire campuses); and comparisons of technologically-enhanced learning outcomes and conventional outcomes. In any case, we are seeking empirical, evidence-based research studies more than theoretical pieces.

Submissions are welcome from researchers, teaching and learning scholars, learning technology users, as well as others who are actively involved in higher education learning, including graduate students, faculty members, academic staff members, administrators, and researchers in non-academic settings. Submission instructions are available at Identify your submission with the keyword: TECHNOLOGY-1. Please format your paper carefully according to the online instructions. Submission deadline is August 13, 2010.

Please feel free to get in touch with me with any questions:

Karen Rosenberg, Ph.D.
Writing Center Director
University of Washington Bothell

[Archive: Deadlines Have Already Passed]

March 31, 2010: International Writing Centers Association (conference) –

Andrea plans to submit here; Call for Papers  |  More info from us

February 22, 2010: “Local Knowledge:” 5th Annual UConn Conference on the Teaching of Writing

The University of Connecticut’s Freshman English Program is calling for presentation/panel/roundtable proposals from instructors of writing (in all disciplines and programs) for the Fifth Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing. While the theme for this year’s conference invites reflection on local knowledge and the role of archives in composition instruction, we encourage presenters to interpret “local knowledge” and “archives” broadly. We also invite proposals on other related topics.The University of Connecticut’s Freshman English Program is calling for presentation/panel/roundtable proposals from instructors of writing (in all disciplines and programs) for the Fifth Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing. While the theme for this year’s conference invites reflection on local knowledge and the role of archives in composition instruction, we encourage presenters to interpret “local knowledge” and “archives” broadly. We also invite proposals on other related topics. See link for list of topics.


From CUNY Academic Commons

CUNY Comp/Rhet Fact Book


This is a page for compiling information about composition/writing classes and resources at the various CUNY Campuses. Ultimately you will be able to search by individual feature (e.g. find all schools with a two-semester sequence, or all schools with an undergrad-staffed writing center). For now, please follow the links below to information about each college campus.

And if you have information to contribute, please do!

List of Colleges

Four-Year Colleges

1. Bernard M. Baruch College
2. Brooklyn College
3. The City College
4. College of Staten Island
5. Hunter College
6. John Jay College of Criminal Justice
7. Lehman College
8. Medgar Evers College
9. New York City College of Technology
10. Queens College
11. York College

Community Colleges

12. Borough of Manhattan Community College
13. Bronx Community College
14. Hostos Community College
15. Kingsborough Community College
16. LaGuardia Community College
17. Queensborough Community College

Honors College and Graduate & Professional Schools

18. Macaulay Honors College
19. The Graduate Center
20. The CUNY School of Law
21. The CUNY Graduate School of Journalism
22. The CUNY School of Public Health
23. The CUNY School of Professional Studies


From CUNY Academic Commons

Notes from CCRC meeting, Friday, February 5, 2010

Sondra Perl: Digital Storytelling

How does the project change, and how does the product change, when we think digitally?

  • Digital storytelling helps to highlight the ways in which voice counts, because you can hear the writer’s actual, spoken, voice.
  • In fact, the multiple modes (visual, musical, along with text and speech) allow for more control / require more choices. Students care a lot about the music!
  • A piece meant to be 3 minutes long is more like poetry (albeit prose-poetry) than most essays: every word counts, and therefore revision matters more, too.
  • One thing to consider is copyright for images and sound: something to discuss in the classroom.
  • The rhetoric of zoom and pan and transition (using iMovie or similar software) both constrains and enables what is possible visually; this may allow for further reflection on the rhetorical moves of prose that similarly constrain and enable how readers move through a piece. Transition becomes very visible when it becomes visual.
    • But note well: this does not happen automatically.
  • Assessment possibilities
    • As an exercise, have multiple (all?) students digitize the same text. How do different visual or musical choices change the “flavor” of the text?
    • One possibility for assessment is to encourage students to develop the criteria by which the projects will be assessed – perhaps even via youtube comments.

Note that the examples we saw took students ~3.5 – 4 weeks, including peer review and revision for the textual parts, but not for the videos – though that is possible, too.


Berkeley Center for Digital Storytelling:

“Where I’m From,” a poem by George Ella Lyon

Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy

The Jump: The Journal for Undergraduate Multimedia Projects

Speaker Series Proposal

CUNY Composition and Rhetoric Community (CCRC)—Speaker Series Proposal

The CUNY Composition and Rhetoric Community (CCRC) would like to raise the funds to bring four speakers, one each semester, over the next four semesters, starting in Fall 2010. Each of these speakers will be luminaries in the field of composition and rhetoric. We intend to invite speakers who can provide both intellectual stimulation and practical advice, thus contributing to our ongoing CUNY-wide discussion about pedagogy and composition theory.

The CUNY Composition and Rhetoric Community is a group of over 100 composition instructors (full-time faculty, graduate students, and part-time faculty) from all CUNY campuses. We have been meeting multiple times a semester since Spring 2008. The group was formed as a way for teachers and scholars of composition and rhetoric to share ideas. While the teaching of writing happens every single day on every CUNY campus, the CCRC marks the first time that there has been an institutional way for instructors to share resources and ideas. In our meetings, we have talked about issues of writing program administration on our individual campuses and within CUNY as a whole. We have also gathered research on CUNY’s long history of writing instruction and assessment, and we have discussed contemporary research in the field of composition and rhetoric. Additionally, members of our group have presented on their current research and courses. A speaker series would help enhance the conversations and work already happening within the CCRC and provide the opportunity to contribute to a dialogue with national scholars.

A visit from a speaker would include a formal talk with a CUNY respondent. We foresee these events as being generative of crucial discussion, one that allows the CUNY composition community to learn from prominent researchers in the field and bring that knowledge back to our campuses, as well as provide an opportunity for composition graduate students from the Graduate Center to hear about the most cutting edge research. We also imagine a speaker visit including one or more informal events, such as a roundtable discussion about relevant issue for writing teachers/administrators.

Last year, Writing Across the Curriculum sponsored an extremely well-attended event at the Graduate Center at which Richard Miller from Rutgers University discussed the digital humanities. We envision a similar kind of event for our own series.

Our intention is to run this speaker series for two years; after the first year, we will assess its successes and benefits to the wider CUNY community. Our hope is that the speaker series will continue beyond the two years and become a regular bi-annual event.

Honorarium: $750-$1000
Publicity: $100
Food: $250
Travel: $500
Lodging: $250

We project that each event will cost approximately $2000. We feel that this is a small cost, particularly considering how many campuses could benefit from these speakers.

Possible speakers include: Deborah Brandt, Victor Villanueva, Bruce Horner, Min-Zhan Lu, John Trimbur, and Nedra Reynolds (see biographies below).

Deborah Brandt is Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and one of the leading voices in literacy studies in the United States today. Her books include Literacy in American Lives, which won the 2003 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Education, and Literacy as Involvement, which won the 1993 NCTE David H. Russell Award for Distinguished Research and Scholarship in English.

Victor Villanueva is Regents Professor at Washington State University, where he has been the recipient of numerous awards, including the Edward R. Meyer Distinguished Professorship in Liberal Arts. He was declared the 2009 Exemplar for the Conference on College Composition and Communications and the 2008 recipient of the National Council of Teachers of English Advancement of People of Color Leadership Award. Dr. Villanueva is the winner the 1995 NCTE David H. Russell Award for Distinguished Research and Scholarship in English and the Conference on English Education’s Richard A. Meade Award for Distinguished Research in English Education. Both awards were for Bootstraps: From an American Academic of Color. He is the editor of NCTE’s Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader (currently in its second edition), and is the co-editor of Latino/a Discourses (2004), Language Diversity in the Classroom (2003), and Included in English Studies (2002).
Bruce Horner teaches at the University of Louisville, where he holds an appointment as Endowed Chair in Rhetoric and Composition. Much of his teaching and scholarship explores the uses of the ordinary work that is accomplished, or can be, in first-year composition courses, particularly with so-called “basic writers,” students who tend to be dismissed as “not college material.” His books include Terms of Work for Composition and Representing the “Other”: Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing (co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu).
Min-Zhan Lu is Professor of English at the University of Louisville. Her books include Writing Conventions, Shanghai Quarter: The Crossings of Four Women of China, and Representing the “Other”: Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing (co-authored with Bruce Horner). She is the recipient of the Mina P. Shaughnessy award, and the author of many highly influential articles, including “An Essay on the Work of Composition: Composing English against the Order of Fast Capitalism.”
John Trimbur is a specialist in composition and writing studies, with interests in cultural studies of literacy and the politics of language in the United States and South Africa. He has published widely on writing theory and has won a number of awards, including the Richard Braddock Award for Outstanding Article (2003) for “English Only and U.S. College Composition,” the James L. Kinneavy Award (2001) for “Agency and the Death of the Author: A Partial Defense of Modernism,” and the College Composition and Communication Outstanding Book Award (1993) for The Politics of Writing Instruction: Postsecondary. He has also published three textbooks The Call to Write (4th ed. 2008), Reading Culture (6th ed. 2007), and A Short Guide to Writing About Chemistry (2nd ed. 2000) and edited the collection Popular Literacy: Studies in Cultural Practices and Poetics (2001).
Nedra P. Reynolds is Professor of Writing and Rhetoric at the University of Rhode Island. She is the author of Geographies of Writing: Inhabiting Places and Encountering Difference and The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing, as well as numerous articles.


From CUNY Academic Commons

Notes from CCRC meeting, Friday, February 5, 2010

Sondra Perl: Digital Storytelling

How does the project change, and how does the product change, when we think digitally?

  • Digital storytelling helps to highlight the ways in which voice counts, because you can hear the writer’s actual, spoken, voice.
  • In fact, the multiple modes (visual, musical, along with text and speech) allow for more control / require more choices. Students care a lot about the music!
  • A piece meant to be 3 minutes long is more like poetry (albeit prose-poetry) than most essays: every word counts, and therefore revision matters more, too.
  • One thing to consider is copyright for images and sound: something to discuss in the classroom.
  • The rhetoric of zoom and pan and transition (using iMovie or similar software) both constrains and enables what is possible visually; this may allow for further reflection on the rhetorical moves of prose that similarly constrain and enable how readers move through a piece. Transition becomes very visible when it becomes visual.
    • But note well: this does not happen automatically.
  • Assessment possibilities
    • As an exercise, have multiple (all?) students digitize the same text. How do different visual or musical choices change the “flavor” of the text?
    • One possibility for assessment is to encourage students to develop the criteria by which the projects will be assessed – perhaps even via youtube comments.

Note that the examples we saw took students ~3.5 – 4 weeks, including peer review and revision for the textual parts, but not for the videos – though that is possible, too.


Berkeley Center for Digital Storytelling:

“Where I’m From,” a poem by George Ella Lyon

Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy

The Jump: The Journal for Undergraduate Multimedia Projects

Speaker Series Proposal

CUNY Composition and Rhetoric Community (CCRC)—Speaker Series Proposal

The CUNY Composition and Rhetoric Community (CCRC) would like to raise the funds to bring four speakers, one each semester, over the next four semesters, starting in Fall 2010. Each of these speakers will be luminaries in the field of composition and rhetoric. We intend to invite speakers who can provide both intellectual stimulation and practical advice, thus contributing to our ongoing CUNY-wide discussion about pedagogy and composition theory.

The CUNY Composition and Rhetoric Community is a group of over 100 composition instructors (full-time faculty, graduate students, and part-time faculty) from all CUNY campuses. We have been meeting multiple times a semester since Spring 2008. The group was formed as a way for teachers and scholars of composition and rhetoric to share ideas. While the teaching of writing happens every single day on every CUNY campus, the CCRC marks the first time that there has been an institutional way for instructors to share resources and ideas. In our meetings, we have talked about issues of writing program administration on our individual campuses and within CUNY as a whole. We have also gathered research on CUNY’s long history of writing instruction and assessment, and we have discussed contemporary research in the field of composition and rhetoric. Additionally, members of our group have presented on their current research and courses. A speaker series would help enhance the conversations and work already happening within the CCRC and provide the opportunity to contribute to a dialogue with national scholars.

A visit from a speaker would include a formal talk with a CUNY respondent. We foresee these events as being generative of crucial discussion, one that allows the CUNY composition community to learn from prominent researchers in the field and bring that knowledge back to our campuses, as well as provide an opportunity for composition graduate students from the Graduate Center to hear about the most cutting edge research. We also imagine a speaker visit including one or more informal events, such as a roundtable discussion about relevant issue for writing teachers/administrators.

Last year, Writing Across the Curriculum sponsored an extremely well-attended event at the Graduate Center at which Richard Miller from Rutgers University discussed the digital humanities. We envision a similar kind of event for our own series.

Our intention is to run this speaker series for two years; after the first year, we will assess its successes and benefits to the wider CUNY community. Our hope is that the speaker series will continue beyond the two years and become a regular bi-annual event.

Honorarium: $750-$1000
Publicity: $100
Food: $250
Travel: $500
Lodging: $250

We project that each event will cost approximately $2000. We feel that this is a small cost, particularly considering how many campuses could benefit from these speakers.

Possible speakers include: Deborah Brandt, Victor Villanueva, Bruce Horner, Min-Zhan Lu, John Trimbur, and Nedra Reynolds (see biographies below).

Deborah Brandt is Professor of English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and one of the leading voices in literacy studies in the United States today. Her books include Literacy in American Lives, which won the 2003 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Education, and Literacy as Involvement, which won the 1993 NCTE David H. Russell Award for Distinguished Research and Scholarship in English.

Victor Villanueva is Regents Professor at Washington State University, where he has been the recipient of numerous awards, including the Edward R. Meyer Distinguished Professorship in Liberal Arts. He was declared the 2009 Exemplar for the Conference on College Composition and Communications and the 2008 recipient of the National Council of Teachers of English Advancement of People of Color Leadership Award. Dr. Villanueva is the winner the 1995 NCTE David H. Russell Award for Distinguished Research and Scholarship in English and the Conference on English Education’s Richard A. Meade Award for Distinguished Research in English Education. Both awards were for Bootstraps: From an American Academic of Color. He is the editor of NCTE’s Cross-Talk in Comp Theory: A Reader (currently in its second edition), and is the co-editor of Latino/a Discourses (2004), Language Diversity in the Classroom (2003), and Included in English Studies (2002).
Bruce Horner teaches at the University of Louisville, where he holds an appointment as Endowed Chair in Rhetoric and Composition. Much of his teaching and scholarship explores the uses of the ordinary work that is accomplished, or can be, in first-year composition courses, particularly with so-called “basic writers,” students who tend to be dismissed as “not college material.” His books include Terms of Work for Composition and Representing the “Other”: Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing (co-authored with Min-Zhan Lu).
Min-Zhan Lu is Professor of English at the University of Louisville. Her books include Writing Conventions, Shanghai Quarter: The Crossings of Four Women of China, and Representing the “Other”: Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing (co-authored with Bruce Horner). She is the recipient of the Mina P. Shaughnessy award, and the author of many highly influential articles, including “An Essay on the Work of Composition: Composing English against the Order of Fast Capitalism.”
John Trimbur is a specialist in composition and writing studies, with interests in cultural studies of literacy and the politics of language in the United States and South Africa. He has published widely on writing theory and has won a number of awards, including the Richard Braddock Award for Outstanding Article (2003) for “English Only and U.S. College Composition,” the James L. Kinneavy Award (2001) for “Agency and the Death of the Author: A Partial Defense of Modernism,” and the College Composition and Communication Outstanding Book Award (1993) for The Politics of Writing Instruction: Postsecondary. He has also published three textbooks The Call to Write (4th ed. 2008), Reading Culture (6th ed. 2007), and A Short Guide to Writing About Chemistry (2nd ed. 2000) and edited the collection Popular Literacy: Studies in Cultural Practices and Poetics (2001).
Nedra P. Reynolds is Professor of Writing and Rhetoric at the University of Rhode Island. She is the author of Geographies of Writing: Inhabiting Places and Encountering Difference and The Bedford Bibliography for Teachers of Writing, as well as numerous articles.

GC Comp-Rhet Recurring Activities

From CUNY Academic Commons

The GC Comp/Rhet Community currently runs an informal journal club, meeting about once per week, to keep abreast of current scholarship in the field. Recent and recurring topics of discussion include basic writing and literacy; critical, constructivist, and expressivist pedagogies; discourses of social justice; ethnography, including (but not limited to) classroom studies; new media composition; writing across the curriculum; and the history of composition instruction in the academy. There are also more formal Area Group meetings once per month to discuss long-term planning issues.

In addition, the GC Area Group participates in the meetings and events of the larger CUNY-wide Composition and Rhetoric Community (CCRC), comprised of faculty, students, and staff from the full range of CUNY campuses. Committees in this group are concerned with basic writing, standardized testing, research, social equity, adjunctification, and new media, among other things. Other projects in the works include professional development roundtables with CUNY Comp/Rhet faculty; a visiting speaker series; and writing workshops for feedback on in-progress work, both scholarly and otherwise. We’re also coordinating with the CCRC to launch a conference on issues in writing at urban universities.

GCCRC Weekly Meetings, Fall 2010
GCCRC Weekly Meetings, Spring 2011

Back to the main GC Comp/Rhet Community wiki page.


From CUNY Academic Commons

Composition at CUNY: A Bibliography



Below is the bibliography of Articles Published by Faculty in Composition and Rhetoric at CUNY (1969-2004, but update if you can) that we are trying to build. We post it here as a wiki so that folks may correct our errors and add to it to make it more comprehensive. Please add only articles or books written by current or past CUNY faculty and articles or books that are explicitly about CUNY. You can edit the list of sources below by hitting the edit button on the right, making the changes and then hitting the Save page button to the bottom left of the editing box.

What we would like to see happen–eventually if not immediately–is an annotated bibliography. For each citation, that is, we would like to see a link to a page which (a) reprints the publication information and (b) adds a paragraph summarizing the article/book and talking about its usefulness and importance to the field, and ultimately (c) tags the article/book for easier navigation by subject.

So why not contribute right now: annotate your own entries or annotate your favorite or the piece that was most influential to you. Thanks in advance for contributing to this important project!

back to CCRC home

Comp/Rhet Scholarship by CUNY faculty



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Babbitt, Marcia. “Making Writing Count in an ESL Learning Community.” Academic Writing Programs, Ed. I. Leki. Alexandria, VA: TESOL. (2001): 49-60.

Babbitt, Marcia. “Strength in Community: Effectiveness of Community in Building College Success.” In Volume I: Pedagogy, Programs, Curricula, and Assessment. Perspectives on Community ESL Series, Ed. M. Spaventa, Alexandria, VA: TESOL. (2006): 61-76.

Babbitt, Marcia. and Rebecca W. Mlynarczyk. “Keys to Successful Content-based Programs: Administrative Perspectives.” In Content-based College ESL Instruction, ed. L. Kasper, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000. 26-47.

Bailey, Nathalie. “ ‘E Pluribus Unum’: Health as Content for a Community of Learners.” Sustained Content Teaching in Academic ESL/EFL: A Practical Approach. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.

Bailey, Nathalie., 1989. “Discourse Conditioned Tense Variation: Teacher Implications.” In The Dynamic Interlanguage: Empirical Studies in Second Language Variation, M. Eisenstein, (ed.). New York: Plenum Press. pp. 279-296.

Bailey, Nathalie. “Theoretical Implications of the Acquisition of the English Simple Past and Past Progressive: Putting Together the Pieces of the Puzzle,” in Variation in Second Language Acquisition: Psycholinguistic Issues, S.Gass, C. Madden, D. Pressman, and L. Selinker (eds.). England: Mulitlingual Matters, 1989.

Bailey, Nathalie., Miriam Eisenstein, and Caroline Madden, C., 1976. “The Development of Wh- Questions in Adult Second Language Learners.” In On TESOL ’76, J. Fanselow and R. Crymes (eds.), Washington, D.C.: TESOL. pp. 1‑10.

Bailey, Nathalie., Caroline Madden and Stephen Krashen. “Is There a Natural Sequence in Adult Second Language Learning?” Language Learning 24:2 (1974): 235‑244.

Brick, Allan. “First Person Singular, First Person Plural, and Exposition.” College English 43 (1981): 508-515.

Benedicks, Crystal, Peter Gray, Linda Hirsch, McBeth, Mark, Cheryl C. Smith, Mary Soliday, Judith Summerfield, and Jessica Yood. “The City University of New York and the Shaughnessy Legacy: Today’s Scholars Talk Back.” Journal of Basic Writing. 26.2 (2007) 5 – 29.

Benesch, Sarah. “Anorexia: A Feminist EAP Curriculum.” In T. Smoke (Ed.), Adult ESL: Politics, Perspectives, and Pedagogy (pp. 101-114). Mahwah, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum, 1998.

Benesch, Sarah. Critical English for Academic Purposes: Theory, Politics, and Practice. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2001.

Benesch, Sarah. “Critical Media Awareness: Teaching Resistance to Interpellation”. In J. Edge (Ed.), (Re)locating TESOL in an Age of Empire (pp.49-64), Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, 2006.

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Benesch, Sarah. “Rights Analysis: Studying Power Relations in an Academic Setting.” English for Specific Purposes, 18, 313-327, 1999.

Bruna, Liza, Ian Marshall, Tim McCormack, Leo Parascondola, Wendy Ryden and Carl Whithaus. “Assessing Our Assessments: A Collective Questioning of what Students Need—and Get.” [a roundtable discussion]. Journal of Basic Writing v. 17 no. 1 (Spring 1998): 73-95.

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Clark, J. Elizabeth. “The Digital Imperative,” accepted for inclusion in the print issue of Computers and Composition on Web 2.0 and Writing to be published in 2010.

Clark, J. Elizabeth, Paul Arcario and Marisa Klages. “Developing Core Skills in the Major,” Learning Communities and Student Affairs: Partnering for Powerful Learning. Washington Center, 2007.

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Clark, J. Elizabeth. “Versus Verse: Teaching Poets Against the War,” Radical Teacher, 74 (Fall 2005).

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Counihan, Beth, Sondra Perl, Tim McCormack and Emily Schnee “Storytelling as Scholarship: A Writerly Approach to Research” English Education 39.4 (2007): 306-325.

Counihan, Beth. “Using Hatha Yoga Breathing Assignments: An Essai.” Teaching with Joy: Educational Practices for the Twenty-First Century. Eds. Sharon Shelton-Colangelo, and Carolina Mancuso. Lanham, MD: Roman and Littlefield, 2006, 25-28.

Counihan, B. “Freshgirls: Overwhelmed by Discordant Pedagogies and the Anxiety of Leaving Home.” Journal of Basic Writing 18.1 (Spring 1999): 91-105.

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DeLuca, Geraldine, Len Fox, Mark-Ameen Johnson and Myra Kogen, eds. Dialogue on Writing: Rethinking ESL, Basic Writing, and First-Year Composition. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002.

DeLuca, Geraldine. “Headstands, Writing, and the Rhetoric of Radical Self-Acceptance.” Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives in Learning 11 (2005-2006): pp?

Deen, Rosemary. “Notes to Stella.” College English 54 (1992): 573-584.

Del Principe, Ann. “Paradigm Clashes Among Basic Writing Teachers: Sources of Conflict and a Call for Change.” Journal of Basic Writing 23.1 (Spring 2004): 64-81.

Del Principe, Ann and Janine Graziano-King. “When Timing Isn’t Everything: Resisting the Use of Timed Tests to Assess Writing Ability.” National Council of Teachers of English.

Dickson, Randi. “Developing ‘Real-World Intelligence’: Teaching Argumentative Writing through Debate.” The English Journal 94 (2004): 34-40.

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Eisenstein, Miriam. Nathalie Bailey, and Caroline Madden. “It Takes Two: Contrasting Tasks and Contrasting Structures.” TESOL Quarterly, 16:3, (1982): 381‑394.

English, Hugh. “Difficulty for Whom?: Teachers’ Discourse About Difficult Students.” Conflicts and Crises in the Composition Classroom-and What Instructors Can Do About Them. Ed. Dawn Skorczewski and Matthew Parfitt. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 2003. 119-123.

English, Hugh. “Learning and Unlearning Historical Sexual Identities.” Radical Teacher. 66 (2003): pp?

English, Hugh, and Lydia Nagle. “Ways of Taking Meaning from Texts: Reading in High School and College.” Journal of Basic Writing 21 (2002): pp?

English, Hugh, and Jyotsna Uppal. “Teach Feminist: Pedagogy, Politics, and Process in Women’s Studies.” Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies. Forthcoming 2004.

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Fergenson, Laraine. Politics and the English Instructor: Using Political Literature to Teach Composition. ERIC, 1992. ED 359 509.

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Gleason, Barbara. “Reasoning the Need: Graduate Education and Basic Writing.” Journal of Basic Writing 25.2 (2006): 49-75.

Gleason, Barbara. “Remediation Phase-Out at CUNY: The ‘Equity versus Excellence’ Controversy.” College Composition and Communication 51 (2000): 488-491.

Gleason, Barbara. “Evaluating Writing Programs in Real Time: The Politics of Remediation.” College Composition and Communication 51 (2000): 560-588.

Gleason, Barbara. “Something of Great Constancy: Storytelling, Story Writing, and Academic Literacy.” Attending to the Margins: Writing, Researching and Teaching on the Front Lines. Eds. Michelle Hall Kells and Valerie Balester. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann-Boynton/Cook, 1999. 97-113.

Gleason, Barbara. “When the Writing Test Fails: Assessing Assessment at an Urban College.” Writing in Multicultural Settings. Eds. Carol Severino, Juan C. Guerra, and Johnella E. Butler. New York: MLA, 1997. 307-24.

Gray, Peter, Eduardo Marti and Martin Kutnowski. “Towards a Community of Practice.” Community College Journal. April/May 2004.

Greenberg, Karen. The Effects of Variations in Essay Questions of the Writing Performance of CUNY Freshmen. New York: Instructional Resource Center, Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY. 1981

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Haring, Lee and Ellen Foreman. “Folklore in the Freshman Writing Course Folklore in the Freshman Writing Course.” College English 37 (1975): 13-21.

Healy, Patrick. “Using 6 Weeks in the Summer to Offset 4 Years of Poor Training in High School.” The Chronicle of Higher Education 45.4 (September 18 1998): A36-7.

Heller, Dana A. “Silencing the Soundtrack: An Alternative to Marginal Comments.” College Composition and Communication 40 (1989) 210-215.

Hirsch, Linda, et al. Making Meaning, Making Sense: A Guide to Writing Across the Curriculum. New York: Hostos Community College, 2001.

Hirsch, Linda and DeLuca, Carolina. “WAC in an Urban and Bilingual Setting: Writing-to-Learn in English y en Espanol.” Language and Learning Across the Disciplines 6:3 (2003): 61-73.

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Italia, Paul G. “The Curriculum Loop: The Role of the Writing Task Force in Curriculum Development at CUNY.” Teaching English in the Two-Year College 18 (October 1991): 186-90.

Ives, Summer. “The Relevance of Language Study.” College Composition and Communication 20 (1969): 131-137.

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Kramer, John. “College and University Presidents in Fiction.” The Journal of Higher Education 52 (1981) 81-95.

Kennedy, Eileen. “Writing in Home Dialects: Choosing a Written Discourse in a Teacher Education Class.” The Quarterly 25.2 (2003): 2-6.

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Larson, Richard L. “Selected Bibliography of Research and Writing about the Teaching of Composition, 1977.” College Composition and Communication 29 (1978): 181-194.

Lavin, David E., Richard Alba, and Richard A. Silberstein. Right Versus Privilege: The Open Admission Experiment at the City University of New York. New York: Free P, 1981.

Lavin, David E., and David Hyllegard. Changing the Odds: Open Admissions and the Life Chances of the Disadvantaged. New Haven: Yale UP, 1996.

Laurence, Patricia, Peter Rondinone, Barbara Gleason, Thomas J. Farrell, Paul Hunter, Min-Zhan Lu. “Symposium on Basic Writing, Conflict and Struggle, and the Legacy of Mina Shaughnessy.” College English 55 (1993): 879-903.

Leary, Chris. “When We Remix…We Remake!!!” Reflections on Collaborative Ethnography, The New Digital Ethic, and Test Prep.” Journal of Basic Writing 26.1 (Spring 2007): 88-105.

Lester, Nancy, et al, eds. “Writing Across the Curriculum: A College Snapshot.” Urban Education 38 (2003): 5-34.

Luria, Harriet. Deborah Seymour, and Trudy Smoke, eds. Language and Linguistics in Context: Readings and Applications for Teachers. Mahweh, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006.

Lvovich, Natasha. “Sociocultural Identity and Academic Writing: A Second-Language Learner Profile.” Teaching English in the Two-Year College 31.2 (December 2003): 179-92.

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Madden, Caroline, Nathalie Bailey, Miriam Eisenstein, and Lloyd Anderson. “Beyond Statistics in Adult Second Language Learning Research.” In Second Language Acquisition Research, W. Ritchie (ed.), Academic Press, 1978. 109‑ 125.

Mader, Thomas F. “On Presence in Rhetoric.” College Composition and Communication 24 (1973): 375-381.

McCord, Phyllis Frus. “Reading Nonfiction in Composition Courses: From Theory to Practice.” College English 47 (1985): 747-762.

McBeth, Mark. “Memoranda of Fragile Machinery: A Portrait of Mina Shaughnessy as Intellectual Bureaucrat.” Writing Program Administrator. 31.1/2 (Fall/Winter): 48 – 64. 2007.

McBeth, Mark. “Simon Says: A Response from Two Nineteenth-Century Educators.” Journal of the History of Education. (2004): 33.5: 597-602.

McBeth, Mark and Pam Hirsch. Teacher Training at Cambridge: The Initiatives of Oscar Browning and Elizabeth Hughes. Cambridge University. London. Woburn Press, 2004.

McBeth, Mark. “Arrested Development: Revising Remediation at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.” Journal of Basic Writing 25.2 (2006): 76-93.

McBeth, Mark. “Tightrope of Desire: Victorian Student/Teacher Relationships.” Gender, Politics, and the Experience of Education: An International Perspective. London: Woburn Publishers. 2001

McBeth, Mark. “The Queen’s English: A Queery in Contrastive Rhetoric.” Contrastive Rhetoric Theory Revised and Redefined Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2000

McBeth, Mark. “Body Oddities: Hypothetical (Com)Positions from the Physically Extreme.” Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning (1998 Winter) 4: 10-24.

McBeth, Mark. “Practice Makes Perfect: Learning to Teach as a Graduate Student.” ADE Bulletin. (Winter) 118:15 – 21. 1997.

Meyers, Lewis. “Texts and Teaching: Basic Writing.” College English 39 (1978): 918-933.

Mlynarczyk, Rebecca Williams Conversations of the Mind: The Uses of Journal Writing for Second-Langauge Learners. Foreword by John S. Mayher. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998.

Mlynarczyk, Rebecca Williams and Marcia Babbitt: “The Power of Academic Learning Communities.” Journal of Basic Writing 21.1 (2002): 71-89.

Mlynarczyk, Rebecca Williams with Steven B. Haber: In Our Own Words: Student Writers at Work, 3rd edition. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Mlynarczyk, Rebecca Williams. “Personal and Academic Writing: Revisiting the Debate.” Journal of Basic Writing 25.1 (2006): 4-25.

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Otte, George. “Sunrise, Sunset: Basic Writing at CUNY’s City College.” in Basic Writing in America, ed. Nicole Greene and Pat McAlexander (Hampton Press, 2008), 21-47.

Otte, George. “High Schools as Crucibles of College Prep: What More Do We Need to Know?” Journal of Basic Writing 21.2 (2002): 106–120.

Otte, George. “The Improving Power of e-Conversation.” In Teaching/Writing in the Late Age of Print, ed. Johnson, Galin, and Haviland (Hampton Press, 2002), 85-97.

Otte, George, and Terence Collins. “Basic Writing and New Technologies.” BWe: Basic Writing e-Journal 1.1 (1999).

Otte, George. “In-Voicing: Beyond the Voice Debate.” In Pedagogy: The Question of Impersonation, ed. Jane Gallop (Indiana UP, 1996), 147-154.

Otte, George. “Yes (and No) to a Double Standard.” College ESL 6 (1996): 16-28.

Otte, George. “Why Read What?: The Politics of Composition Anthologies.” Journal of Advanced Composition 12 (1992): 137-49.

Otte, George. “Computer-Adjusted Errors and Expectations.” Journal of Basic Writing 10.2 (1991): 71–86.

Otte, George. “The Deference Due the Oracle: Computerized Text Analysis in a Basic Writing Class.” Journal of Basic Writing 8 (1989): 46-56.

Otte, George. “What Do Writing Teachers Think?” WPA: Writing Program Administration 12 (1989): 31-41.

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Parmegiani, Andrea. TESOL Quarterly. —More info needed–

Parmegiani, Andrea. “Language Ownership in Multilingual Settings: Exploring Attitudes Among Students Entering the University of KwaZulu-Natal through the Access Program.” Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics 38 (2008): 107-124.

Peritz, Janice Haney. “Making a Place for the Poetic in Academic Writing.” College Composition and Communication 44 (1993): 380-385.

Perl, Sondra. “The New Students: A Dialectic between Language and Learning.” ADE Bulletin. (Sept. 1975): 48-51.

Perl, Sondra. “Unskilled Writers as Composers.” New York University Education Quarterly. (Spring, 1979): 17-22.

Perl, Sondra. “The Composing Processes of Unskilled College Writers.” Research in the Teaching of English. (December 1979): 317-36.

Perl, Sondra. “Understanding Composing.” College Composition and Communication. (December 1980): 363-369.

Perl, Sondra. “The State of the Art in Composition.” ADE Bulletin. (February 1980): 44-46.

Perl, Sondra. “A Look at Basic Writers in the Process of Composing.” Basic Writing: Essays for Teachers, Researchers and Administrators. Eds. Dan Hoeber and Lawrence Kasden. Urbana, Il: NCTE, 1980, 13-32.

Perl, Sondra. “Creativity and the Composing Classroom: Making Thought Visible.” Arizona English Bulletin. (November 1982): 28-32.

Perl, Sondra. “How Teachers Teach the Writing Process: An Overview of an Ethnographic Research Project.” The Elementary School Journal. (September 1983): 19-24.

Perl, Sondra. “Reflections on Ethnography and Writing.” The English Record. (Fourth Quarter, 1983): 10-11.

Perl, Sondra. Through Teachers Eyes: Portraits of Writing Teachers at Work. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1986/1998 (with Nancy Wilson).

Perl, Sondra. “The Process of Creative Discovery: Theory, Research and Implications for Teaching.” The Territory of Language: Linguistics, Stylistics, and the Teaching of Composition. Ed. Donald McQuade. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois UP, 1986, 251-268 (with Arthur Egendorf).

Perl, Sondra. “Through Teachers’ Eyes: Reflections on Ethnography and Writing.” Research in Literacy: Merging Perspectives. Eds. John Readance & R. Scott Baldwin. Rochester, NY: National Reading Conference, 1987, 287-295.

Perl, Sondra, ed. Landmark Essays on Writing Process. Mahwah: NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994.

Perl, Sondra. “A Writer’s Way of Knowing: Guidelines for Composing.” Presence of Mind: Writing and the Domain Beyond the Cognitive. Eds. Alice Brand and Richard Graves, Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/ Cook, 1994.

Perl, Sondra. “Composing Texts, Composing Lives.” Harvard Educational Review 64 (1994): 427-449.

Perl, Sondra. “Early Work on Composing: Lessons and Illuminations.” Perspectives on Writing: Theory, Research, Practice. Eds. Beth Boehm, Debra Journet and Mary Rosner. Stamford, CT: Ablex. 1997. 83-98.

Perl, Sondra. “Facing the Other: The Emergence of Ethics and Selfhood in a Cross-Cultural Writing Classroom.” Narration as Knowledge: Tales of the Teaching Life. Ed. Joseph Trimmer. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook, 1997. 173-190.

Perl, Sondra. “Composing a Pleasurable Life.” Women/Writing/Teaching. Ed. Jan Schmidt. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 1998. 239-253.

Perl, Sondra. “What We Learned in Looking Both Ways” High School and College Teachers Talk about Language and Learning. Ed. George Otte. NY: CUNY Office of Academic Affairs, 1999. 96-101.

Perl, Sondra. “Running Roughshod: An Ethical Dilemma in Creative Nonfiction.” Writing on the Edge. (Fall/Winter, 2001): 35-40.

Perl, Sondra. “Dear Peter: A Collage in Several Voices.” Writing with Elbow. Eds. Pat Belanoff, Marcia Dickson, Sheryl Fontaine, Charles Moran. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2002. 253-267.

Perl, Sondra. Felt Sense: Writing with the Body. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook-Heinemann, 2004.

Perl, Sondra. “Writing the Holocaust: The Transformative Power of Response Journals.” Teaching the Representation of the Holocaust. Eds. Irene Kacandes and Marianne Hirsch. NY: MLA, 2004.

Perl, Sondra. On Austrian Soil: Teaching Those I Was Taught to Hate. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2005.

Perl, Sondra. Writing True: The Art and Craft of Creative Nonfiction. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2006 (with Mimi Schwartz).

Perl, Sondra. “Worlds of Possibility: A Review of Mike Rose’s An Open Language.” National Writing Project Quarterly. Summer, 2007.

Perl, Sondra. “Storytelling as Scholarship: A Writerly Approach to Research.” English Education. (July 2007): 306-325 (with Beth Counihan, Tim McCormack, and Emily Schnee).

Pita, Marianne and Sharon Utakis. “Educational Policy for the Transnational Dominican Community.” Journal of Language, Identity and Education. 1.4 (2002): 317-328.

Pita, Marianne and Sharon Utakis.”Educational Policy for the Transnational Dominican Community.” In H. Luria, D.M. Seymour & T. Smoke (Eds.) Language and Linguistics in Context: Readings and Applications for Teachers. (pp. 333-342) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005. [reprint of 2002 article]

Pita, Marianne and Sharon Utakis. “Placing Our Students at the Center of the Curriculum: Literature for Dominican-Americans.” Community College Humanities Review. 25.2 (Fall 2004-2005): 1-8.

Ponsot, Marie and Rosemary Deen. Beat Not the Poor Desk: Writing: What to Teach, How to Teach it and Why. Upper Montclair, NJ: Boynton/Cook, 1982.

Ponsot, Marie. “Total Immersion.” Journal of Basic Writing 1.2 (1976): 31-43.

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Raimes, Ann. “Writing and Learning across the Curriculum: The Experience of a Faculty Seminar.” College English 41 (1980): 797-801.

Raimes, Ann. “Tradition and Revolution in ESL Teaching.” TESOL Quarterly 17 (1983) 535-552.

Raimes, Ann. “What Unskilled ESL Students Do as They Write: A Classroom Study of Composing.” TESOL Quarterly 19 (1985): 229-258.

Raimes, Ann. “The TOEFL Test of Written English: Causes for Concern.” TESOL Quarterly 24 (1990): 427-442.

Raimes, Ann. “Out of the Woods: Emerging Traditions in the Teaching of Writing.” TESOL Quarterly 25 (1991) 407-430.

Rorschach, Elizabeth. “The Five-Paragraph Theme Redux.” The Quarterly 26.1 (2004): 16-25.

Rose, Lisa, and Rachel Theilheimer. “You Write What You Know: Writing, Learning, and Student Construction of Knowledge.” The WAC Journal 13 (2002): pp?

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Scott, Don. “Fashioning a Liberal Arts Curriculum for the 21st Century.” Q: The Magazine of Queens College. Fall 2004

Shaughnessy, Mina. “Open Admissions and the Disadvantaged Teacher.” College Composition and Communication. December 1973.

Shaughnessy, Mina. “Diving In: An Introduction to Basic Writing.” College Composition and Communication. October 1976.

Shaughnessy, Mina. “Some Needed Research on Writing.” College Composition and Communication. December 1977.

Shaughnessy, Mina. Errors and Expectations: A Guide for the Teacher of Basic Writing. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.

Shaughnessy, Mina. “Statement on Criteria for Writing Proficiency.” Journal of Basic Writing. Fall/Winter 1980.

Shaughnessy, Mina. “The English Professor’s Malady.” Journal of Basic Writing. Spring 1994.

Shaughnessy, Mina. “Open Admissions and the Disadvantaged Teacher.” College Composition and Communication 24.5 (1973): 401-04.

Shaughnessy, Mina. “Diving In: An Introduction to Basic Writing.” College Composition and Communication 27.3 (1976): 234-39.

Shaughnessy, Mina. “The Miserable Truth.” Journal of Basic Writing 17.2 (1998): 106-12.

Shenkman, Harriet, and Susan Polirstock, Eds. The Scholarship of Teaching: Faculty Development Through Cross Campus Collaboration. Bronx Community College Center for Teaching Excellence, 2007.

Shor, Ira. “Illegal Literacy.” Journal of Basic Writing 19.1 (2001): 100-112.

Shor, Ira. Culture Wars: School and Society in the Conservative Restoration. Boston: Routledge & K. Paul, 1986.

Shor, Ira. “Our Apartheid: Writing Instruction and Inequality.” Journal of Basic Writing 16.1 (1980): 91-119.

Shor, Ira. Critical Teaching and Everyday Life. Boston: South End Press, 1980.

Smoke, Trudy. “Lessons from Ming: Helping Students Use Writing to Learn.” Crossing the Curriculum: Multilingual Learners in College Classrooms. Eds. Vivian Zamel and Ruth Spack. Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, 2003.

Smoke, Trudy. Adult ESL: Politics, Pedagogy, and Participation in Classroom and Community Programs. Mahweh, NJ: Lawrenced Erlbaum Associates, 1998.

Smith, Cheryl. “Technologies for Transcending a Focus on Error: Blogs and Democratic Aspirations in First-Year Composition.” Journal of Basic Writing 27.1 (2008): 35-60.

Soliday, Mary. “Translating Self and Difference through Literacy Narratives.” College English 56 (1994): 511-526.

Soliday, Mary. “Towards a Consciousness of Language: A Language Pedagogy for Multicultural Classrooms.” Journal of Basic Writing 16.2 (1997): 62–73.

Soliday, Mary “Class Dismissed.” College English 61 (1999): 731-741.

Soliday, Mary. “Translating Self and Difference Through Literacy Narratives.” Dialogue on Writing: Rethinking ESL, Basic Writing, and First-Year Composition. Geraldine DeLuca, et al, eds. Lawrence Erlbaum, 2002.

Soliday, Mary. The Politics of Remediation. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 2002.

Soliday, Mary. “Mina P. Shaughnessy and the Second Chance.” Encounter 16 (2003):15-18.

Soliday, Mary. “Reading Student Writing with Anthropologists: Stance and Judgement in College Writing.” College Composition and Communication. 56 (2004): 72-93.

Soliday, Mary. “Reading Student Writing with Anthropologists: Stance and Judgment in College Writing.” College Composition and Communication 56 (2004): 72-93.

Soliday, Mary, and Barbara Gleason. “From Remediation to Enrichment: Evaluating a Mainstreaming Project.” Journal of Basic Writing 16 (1997): 64-78.

Song, Bailin. “Content-based ESL Instruction: Long-term Effects and Outcomes.” English for Specific Purposes 25, (2006): 420-437.

Song, Balin and Bonne August. “Using Portfolios to Assess the Writing of ESL Students: A Powerful Alternative.” Journal of Second Language Writing 11 (2002): 49-73.

Stanley, Linda C. A Two-Tiered Writing Program for the Technology Curriculum. Teaching English in the Two-Year College. 1991. ?

Stanley, Linda C. and Joanna Ambron, eds. Writing Across the Curriculum in Community Colleges. ERIC No. 73, Spring 1991. Jossey-Bass Inc. Publishers. 112. ?

Stanley, Linda and Joyce Sigurdsson. Close-up on Composition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1980.

Sternglass, Marilyn S. “Applications of the Wilkinson Model of Writing Maturity to College Writing.” College Composition and Communication 33.2 (May, 1982): 167-175.

Sternglass, Marilyn S. “Assessing Reading, Writing, and Reasoning.” College English 43. 3 (Mar., 1981): 269-275.

Sternglass, Marilyn S. “The Changing Perception of the Role of Writing: From Basic Writing to Discipline Courses.” Basic Writing e-Journal 2.2 (2000).

Sternglass, Marilyn S. “Close Similarities in Dialect Features of Black and White College Students in Remedial Composition Classes.” TESOL Quarterly 8(1974): 271-283.

Sternglass, Marilyn S. “Composition Teacher as Reading Teacher.” College Composition and Communication 27.4 (Dec 76): 378-82.

Sternglass, Marilyn S. “High School Teachers Teaching College Composition: Implementing a Collaborative High School-University Project.” Journal of Teaching Writing 3.2 (Fall 1984): 249-61.

Sternglass, Marilyn S. “How Useful Are Readability Formulas to Content-Area Teachers in Community Colleges?” Community College Frontiers 4.2 (Win 76): 24-28,49.

Sternglass, Marilyn S. “Instructional Implications of Three Conceptual Models of Reading/Writing Relationships.” English Quarterly 20.3 (Fall 1987): 184-93

Sternglass, Marilyn S. “The Need for Conceptualizing at All Levels of Writing Instruction.” Journal of Basic Writing 8.2 (Fall 1989): 87-98.

Sternglass, Marilyn S. “The Relationship of Task Demands to Cognitive Level.” Educational Review 38.2 June (1986): 161 – 168.

Sternglass, Marilyn S. “Retrospective Accounts of Language and Learning Processes.” Written Communication 3.3 (Jul 1986): 297-323

Sternglass, Marilyn S. “Students Deserve Enough Time to Prove that They Can Succeed.” Journal of Basic Writing 18.1 (1999): 3-20.

Sternglass, Marilyn S. Time to Know Them: A Longitudinal Study of Writing and Learning at the College Level. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997.

Summerfield, Judith and Crystal Benedicks, eds. Reclaiming the Public University: Conversations on General and Liberal Education. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2007.

Summerfield, Judith, et al. “The City University of New York and the Shaughnessy Legacy: Today’s Scholars Talk Back.” Journal of Basic Writing 26.2 (2007): 5-29.

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Ticke, L. “Opening dialogue: Students respond to teacher comments in a psychology classroom.” The WAC Journal (2003). 14, 19-35.

Treglia, Maria Ornella. “Feedback on Feedback: Exploring Student Responses to Teachers’ Written Commentary.” Journal of Basic Writing 27.1 (2008): 105-137.

Trillin, Alice Stewart. Teaching Basic Skills in College: A Guide to Objectives, Skills Assessment, Course Content, Teaching Methods, Support Services, and Administration. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1980.

Troyka, Lynn Q., “How We Have Failed the Basic Writing Enterprise.” Journal of Basic Writing 19.1 (2000): 36-42.

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Utakis, Sharon and Marianne Pita. “An Educational Policy for Negotiating Transnationalism: The Dominican Community in New York City.” In S. Canagarajah (Ed.) Reclaiming the Local in Language Policy and Practice. (pp. 147-165) Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2005.

Utakis, Sharon and Marianne Pita. “Un Pie Adentro y Otro Afuera: Composition Instruction for Transnational Dominicans in Higher Education.” Eds. Cristina Kirklighter, Diana Cárdenas, and Susan Wolff Murphy. Teaching Writing with Latino/a Students: Lessons Learned at Hispanic-Serving Institutions. (pp. 119-132) Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2007.

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Volpe, Edmond L. “The Confessions of a Fallen Man: Ascent to the D. A.” College English 33 (1972): 765-779.

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Weiner, Harvey S. “The Attack on Basic Writing—and After.” Journal of Basic Writing 17.1 (1998): 96-103.

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Yood, Jessica. “English Studies and the Composition Ph.D.” COMPTales. Eds. Richard Haswell and Min-Zhan Lu. New York: Longman: 1999: 148-9.

Yood, Jessica. “A Reception History of Change-in-Progress: The New Disciplinary Mix in English Studies.” Field of Dreams: Independent Writing Units and the Future of Composition Studies. Eds. Peggy O’Neill, Angela Crow, Larry Burton. Utah: Utah State UP, 2002. 170-186.

Yood, Jessica. “The Next Stage is a System: WAC and the New Knowledge Society.” Across the Disciplines. December 12, 2004.

Yood, Jessica. “Composition’s ‘Third Wave’: Writing New Knowledge Across Old Disciplines.” The Journal of Language and Learning Across the Disciplines. May 2004.

Yood, Jessica. “Present Process: The Making of a Post-Paradigm Academy.” Journal of Basic Writing. 24.2 (2005): 4-25.

Yood, Jessica. “Stating the Discipline: A History of a Genre.” College English. Special issue on Materiality, Genre, and Language Use. Ed. David Bleich. (May 2003): 510-534.

Yood, Jessica and Pat Belanoff. “Reflecting Reflection: History and Progress.” Reflection: A History. Ed. Brian Huot. Urbana, IL: NCTE Press, 2004.

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Articles referring to CUNY and CUNY faculty scholarship

Richardson, Jeanita W. “ ‘Who Shall Be Educated?: The Case of Restricting Remediation at the City University of New York.” Education and Urban Society 37.2 (2005): 174-192.

Saunders, Mary A. “Comment on “Writing and Learning across the Curriculum.” College English 42 (1980) 306-308

(reference to Raimes article and study)

“Structured vs. Unstructured: Two Approaches to Composition.” College Composition and Communication, Vol. 23, No. 3 (Oct., 1972), pp. 310-311

(Workshop Reports with several references to CUNY comp faculty)

Not currently at CUNY but graduated from GC

Whithaus, Carl. Teaching and Evaluating Writing in the Age of Computers and High-stakes Testing. Mahweh, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005.


Arkin, Marian, and Cecilia Macheski. Research Papers: A Guide and Workbook. Houghton Mifflin, 2001.

Fergenson, Laraine. Writing with Style: Rhetoric, Reader, Handbook. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1989.

Fergenson, Laraine, and Marie-Louise Nickerson. All in One: Basic Writing Text, Workbook, and Reader. Prentice-Hall, 1980; 4th ed. 1999.

Gillespie, Sheena, Tony Pipolo, Terezinha Fonseca. Literature Across Cultures, fifth edition. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2008.

Gillespie, Sheena. Across Cultures: A Reader for Writers, seventh edition. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2008.

Otte, George, and Linda Palumbo. Casts of Thought: Writing In and Against Tradition. Macmillan, 1990.

Otte, George, and Nondita Mason. Writers’ Roles: Enactments of the Process. Harcourt, 1994.

Singer, Jeffrey. Cornerstones: Readings for Writers. New York: McGraw Hill Primis, 2000.

Smoke, Trudy. A Writer’s Workbook: An interactive Writing Text. Cambridge: Cambridge U P, 1996.

Smoke, Trudy. A Writer’s Workbook Teacher’s Manual: An interactive Writing Text. Cambridge: Cambridge
Academic Writing, 2006?

Smoke, Trudy. Making a Difference: A Reader for Writers. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994.

Smoke, Trudy. The World of the Image: Longman Topics Reader. New York: Pearson Longman, 2007.

Smoke, Trudy. A Writer’s Workbook: An Interactive Writing Text for ESL Students. New York: St. Martins Press, 1992.

Smoke, Trudy. A Writer’s Worlds: Explorations Through Readings. New York: St. Martins Press, 1995.

Internal CUNY Publications

Greenberg, Karen L. CUNY Writing Faculty: Practices and Perceptions. New York: Instructional Resource Center, Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY, 1983.

Ryzewic, Susan Remmer. The CUNY Writing Assessment Test: A Three-Year Audit Review, 1979-1981. New York: Instructional Resource Center, Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY, 1982.

Licklider, Patricia. Preparing for the CUNY-ACT Reading and Writing Tests. Boston: Pearson Longman, 2004.

Witlieb, Bernard. Getting Ready for the CUNY-WAT: Writing Assessment Test. New York: Primus Custom Publishing, 1999.

Hauss, Gail. Attendance at the ESL Resource Center and Outcomes in ESL Courses and CUNY Writing Tests. New York: Office of Institutional Research, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, 1993.

Kwalick, Barry. Selected Papers from the 1982 Conference, “New York Writes: Kindergarten Through College.” New York: Instructional Resource Center, Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY, 1983.

McBeth, Mark. “Teacher Self-Awareness and Student Motivation.” Looking Both Ways: High School Teachers Talk about Language and Learning. New York: CUNY Office of Academic Affairs. 31-42. 1999

CUNY Association of Writing Supervisors (CAWS) Writing Problems after a Decade of Open Admissions: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual CUNY Association of Writing Supervisors. New York: Instructional Resource Center, Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY, 1982.

Leon, Victor de. Basic Skills Programs at the City University of New York: English as a Second Language. New York: Instructional Resource Center, Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY, 1981.

CUNY/ Eds. Raphael, Carolyen, Virginia Slaughter, Tulin Duda, Connecting: Integrative Approaches to ESL Teaching and Learning: Selected Papers from the 1985 Annual Conference of the CUNY ESL Council. New York: Instructional Resource Center, Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY, 1986.

Slaughter, Virginia B. and Barry Kwalick. CUNY Bibliography of Basic Skills: A Special Issue of Resource, Newsletter of the Instructional Resource Center, Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY New York: The Center, 1980.

Spielberger, Jeffrey and Virginia Slaughter, Eds. Images and Words: Using Film to Teach Writing. New York: Instructional Resource Center, Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY, 1985.

Brooks, Gay, Jack Gantzer, et al. Research and Practice in ESL Instruction/ Selected Papers from the 1986 CUNY ESL Council Conference. New York: Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY, 1987.

Otte, George, Ed. “Looking Both Ways”: High School and College Teachers Talk about Language and Learning. Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY, 1999.

Otte, George. Writing Programs at the City University of New York. Instructional Resource Center, Office of Academic Affairs, CUNY, 1990.