Our goal is to compile a list of conferences and journals that we might want to submit to, sorted chronologically. For each such journal or conference, we’ll post links to the originating site’s CFP, as well as compile our own notes – e.g. “gives great feedback on the writing” or “really fast turn-around time.”
Please also remember that matriculated GC students are eligible to receive funding ($300 per year for presenting at conferences; $200 for attending conferences) for their travels/fees. Click here for more information about how to apply for this funding.
Manuscript Submission Deadline: November 15, 2010
Multimodal Composing: Council on Basic Writing
Opportunities and Challenges
in Basic Writing Contexts
BWe Guest Editor:
Barbara Gleason, City College-CUNY
Assistant Editors:
Wynne Ferdinand & Lynn Reid
Extended Deadline for Submissions: November 15, 2010
Technical Guidelines for Submissions appended.
2011 BWe Special Issue: Call for Submissions
For the upcoming issue of BWe, we seek essays on multimodal writing in college and pre-college composition and rhetoric classes. As Cynthia Selfe argues in the June 2009 issue of College Composition and Communication, our profession’s continuing tendency to focus primarily on print literacy limits our understanding of rhetoric, discourages students from “identify[ing] their own communication needs” and needlessly limits individuals who have developed expressive identities in a digital age (“The Movement of Air, The Breath of Meaning: Aurality and Multimodal Composing” in CCC, June 2009, 618). By widening the possibilities for composing in their classrooms, instructors may establish more compelling and inclusive learning environments for students of diverse races and cultures, language backgrounds, ages, and communication interests. Teachers also may create classes that can better serve the needs of students learning differences, e.g., in the areas of vision, hearing, or attention.
Along with the potential advantages of incorporating multiple modes of composing into their curricula, instructors may well experience challenges that can obstruct curricular change or dampen enthusiasm of both instructors and students. Integrating new technologies into classes sometimes creates unwanted hurdles. Access to technology and digital literacies can sometimes encumber students. Instructors may experience new technologies as more burdensome than beneficial, especially when faculty are not rewarded for integrating new communication technologies into their curricula. In addition, educational institutions are increasingly demanding that digital texts and multimodal composing options be integrated into their curricula–sometimes before they have acquired the funds or the staff to support these efforts. We already know that we are experiencing a major transformation in communications that is permeating both our daily lives and our institutional realities. Most of us are struggling to develop our own expertise in multimodal composing while simultaneously teaching others to compose in digital environments.
We encourage prospective authors to consider both opportunities and challenges associated with teaching/learning multimodal composing. We hope to receive submissions that focus on one (or more than one) of these roles/ perspectives: writer, student, teacher, tutor, program administrator. We also welcome reviews of books & web sites that enhance instructors’ knowledge of teaching with new technologies OR that facilitate adult learners’ expertise in multimodal composing. Finally, since basic writing instruction is moving into new venues (e.g., as test-preparation courses in for-profit companies or in adult education programs), we welcome submissions that explore uses of multimodal composing in a variety of institutional environments.
Technical Guidelines for Submissions:
1. All submissions must be sent electronically to [email protected]
2. Use MLA style.
3. Acceptable submission formats include: MS Word or other word processing formats, web texts, and texts that include embedded multimedia elements. Images may be in .jpg, .gif, or .png format. Videos must be submitted as files, not as links to external sites.
4. Links to external sites may appear as in-text references or in a works cited list only. Web-based examples used to illustrate key ideas or arguments should be included in the text as embedded images, screen captures, video files, etc. Multimedia content hosted at an external site should be submitted as a file that can be hosted on the BWe server.
5. Submissions should be original work. Submissions containing work published or created by other authors must include their consent and/or follow fair use guidelines.
7. Submissions should be accessible in current versions of different browsers (e.g., Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome).
8. To ensure accessibility, a script or summary must accompany all multimedia submissions and/or video and audio content embedded in a manuscript.
Manuscript Submission Deadline: November 15, 2010
Email inquiries to Barbara Gleason at [email protected].
Submit manuscripts to [email protected]
June 1, 2010: [Extended Deadline]
Computer and video games continue to inundate the entertainment market, and culture along with it. Traditional text games, adventure games, first-person shooters, the immersive worlds of role-playing games (massively multiplayer or otherwise), simulations, “casual” games such as solitaire, and even web advertisements posing as games have formed a landscape rich with opportunities to examine composition-rhetoric’s history, theory, pedagogy, and practice, where scholars can use, examine, and imagine the impact of games and gaming on writing.
Writing and rhetoric permeate games and game communities, and as a recent Pew study found, the civic engagement of gamers is greater than that of non-gamers, with higher instances of players considering moral and ethical issues as well as social responsibility — and in many cases, communicating with others about these issues. Engaged writing is also connected to the way gamers learn the complicated strategies, tactics, and rhetorics within game worlds, while games are increasingly used as tools to teach writing.
Rhetoric/Composition/Play will be an edited collection designed for scholars new to computer/video games as well as those who are more expertly versed. The book will consist of academic essays that assess, theorize, and contextualize computer/video games vis-a-vis composition-rhetoric. We invite 900-1200-word proposals for this proposed collection.
Specifically, we invite proposals that investigate the following (although the lists are not exhaustive):
1) Rhetorical theory and computer/video games (Theory: Rhetorical/Critical/Ideological/Cultural)
• How do various rhetorical theories intersect with game and play theories?
• How does playing games foster rhetorical readings of gaming spaces for the gamer?
• How does playing games necessitate certain rhetorical strategies and practices within game worlds and/or communities?
• What kinds of rhetorical agents and/or agency does playing games construct?
• How do other theoretical and critical approaches intersect with game and play theories?
• How do rhetorical, critical, ideological, and cultural approaches help us better understand the impact of games in literacy practices?
• What roles do games play as objects of production/ consumption?
• What are other assessments and critiques of the intersections between rhetorical and critical theory and computer/video games?
2) Composition and computer/video games (Practice: Writing/Learning/Playing)
• How and to what extent are processes of gaming, playing, and writing similar or divergent?
• How do game design and writing as design overlap?
• What are other assessments and critiques of the connections between writing and computer/video games?
3) Writing pedagogy and computer/video games (Praxis: Pedagogy/Composition/Gaming)
• How can electronic games help us reconceptualize classroom spaces?
• How can gaming worlds become pedagogical spaces?
• How can electronic games inform traditional writing practice?
• How can electronic games inform a critical, cultural pedagogy that facilitates students’ critical reading and rewriting of game spaces?
• What are other examinations of pedagogies that use electronic games to teach rhetorical and/or writing concepts and practices?
• What are some critiques, examinations, historicizations of current pedagogical trajectories of using off-the-shelf games, serious games, games-for-learning, and simulation in the writing classroom?
• What are the pedagogical differences between teaching with a game designed specifically for pedagogical purposes and teaching with a game designed originally for entertainment?
Send 900-1200-word proposals with brief author bio (with university affiliation) via email to Matthew S. S. Johnson (email: matjohn at siue dot edu) AND Richard & Rebekah Colby (email: rshultzc at du dot edu). Due to increased interest, we have decided to extend the deadline for submitting proposals to this edited collection. Deadline for proposals is 1 June 2010. Final manuscript length will be approximately 15-35 pages (standard, double-spaced). Queries welcome.
August 13, 2010: “Learning Technologies”
Here are the submission guidelines
Academic Exchange Quarterly—a respected, peer-reviewed, print journal—invites original, unpublished manuscripts of 2000 to 3000 words for its Winter 2011 issue.
Learning technologies—technologies used to enhance learning, teaching, and assessment—are rapidly gaining popularity in higher education. However, the debate concerning the effectiveness of these technologies over more conventional means of teaching remains ongoing. The focus of this topic is to explore evidence-based research on any area relating to learning technologies, but we are especially interested in the following: pedagogical techniques that rely on learning technologies; the use of learning technologies in assessment of outcomes at any level (individual student to entire campuses); and comparisons of technologically-enhanced learning outcomes and conventional outcomes. In any case, we are seeking empirical, evidence-based research studies more than theoretical pieces.
Submissions are welcome from researchers, teaching and learning scholars, learning technology users, as well as others who are actively involved in higher education learning, including graduate students, faculty members, academic staff members, administrators, and researchers in non-academic settings. Submission instructions are available at http://www.tinyurl.com/AEQ-Tech. Identify your submission with the keyword: TECHNOLOGY-1. Please format your paper carefully according to the online instructions. Submission deadline is August 13, 2010.
Please feel free to get in touch with me with any questions:
Karen Rosenberg, Ph.D.
Writing Center Director
University of Washington Bothell
[Archive: Deadlines Have Already Passed]
March 31, 2010: International Writing Centers Association (conference) – writingcenters.org/
- Andrea plans to submit here; Call for Papers | More info from us
February 22, 2010: “Local Knowledge:” 5th Annual UConn Conference on the Teaching of Writing
The University of Connecticut’s Freshman English Program is calling for presentation/panel/roundtable proposals from instructors of writing (in all disciplines and programs) for the Fifth Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing. While the theme for this year’s conference invites reflection on local knowledge and the role of archives in composition instruction, we encourage presenters to interpret “local knowledge” and “archives” broadly. We also invite proposals on other related topics.The University of Connecticut’s Freshman English Program is calling for presentation/panel/roundtable proposals from instructors of writing (in all disciplines and programs) for the Fifth Annual Conference on the Teaching of Writing. While the theme for this year’s conference invites reflection on local knowledge and the role of archives in composition instruction, we encourage presenters to interpret “local knowledge” and “archives” broadly. We also invite proposals on other related topics. See link for list of topics. http://call-for-papers.sas.upenn.edu/node/35793